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Bioelectrics Research

Research Areas


Cell and Membrane Effects of Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields

纳秒脉冲电场(nsPEF)刺激所需的强电场能引起与常规微脉冲和毫秒脉冲有质的不同的细胞效应. nsPEF may compromise the barrier function of the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. Most studies agree that it is caused by the formation of transient aqueous pores, with the effective pore diameter not exceeding 1-1.5 nm ("nanoelectroporation"). This pore size was established by the selective uptake of dye molecules and ions, by blockage of cell swelling using solutes too large to pass through the pores, and by modeling. Nanopores are remarkably stable, with the lifetime on the order of minutes. They are distinguished from "regular" larger pores by complex conductive properties similar to endogenous ion channels, such as voltage sensitivity, current rectification, and cation selectivity.

nsPEF刺激可以绕过膜受体和离子通道,引发第二信使Ca2+和PIP2信号,引发神经介质释放等下游效应. Intense nsPEF treatments cause cytoskeleton rearrangements, osmotic stress, cell swelling and blebbing, and apoptotic or necrotic cell death.

We explore the phenomenon of nanoelectroporation in living cells, focusing on the underlying physico-chemical and physiological mechanisms. We also explore nanopore properties and lifetime, as well as many downstream effects of membrane permeabilization.

Primary Faculty in this Area

Chunqi Jiang, Ph.D., Professor

Claudia Muratori, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Andrei Pakhomov, Ph.D., Research Professor

Olga N. Pakhomova, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor

Iurii Semenov, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor

Michael Stacey, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor

P. Thomas Vernier, Ph.D., Research Professor


Electrical Stimulation of Excitable Tissue


Primary effects of nsPEF encompass brief high-amplitude membrane polarization, alteration of membrane proteins, and nanoelectroporation. Depending on the stimulation protocol, nsPEF can elicit or suppress action potentials and activate or inhibit voltage-gated ion channels.

打开瞬态纳米孔是一种独特的Ca2+动员方法,同时绕过质膜受体和通道. 细胞将纳米孔“泄漏”导致的Ca2+瞬态解释为真实的Ca2+信号,并通过Ca2+诱导的Ca2+释放来放大它们. Ca2+ mobilization by nsPEF can evoke heart and muscle contraction, stimulate neurosecretion, and activate genes responsible for neuroprotection.

nsPEF expand the toolbox of electrostimulation with novel and fundamentally different capabilities. A combination of classic excitation mechanisms with nanoelectroporation, modulation of ion channels, and effects on organelles offers a choice from stimulatory and inhibitory effects to tissue ablation.

The use of nsPEF may enable a radical advancement of electrostimulation therapies, such as chronic stimulation without electrochemical side effects; transient or permanent inhibition of neural networks; safer and more efficient defibrillation; and targeted neuromodulation at a distance, including non-invasive deep brain stimulation.

Primary Faculty in this Area

Stephen Beebe, Ph.D., Research Professor

Andrei Pakhomov, Ph.D., Research Professor

Olga N. Pakhomova, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor

Iurii Semenov, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor


Nano and Picosecond Pulsed Technology

Electrical pulses causing diverse biological effects are generated by pulsed power generators, which have discrete components that allow for high hold-off voltages and high output currents. Although generators have different operating principles, they are generally configured in the same structure that includes a charger, an energy storage, a switch, and a load. To generate high power pulses, a pulse generator works in way of "slow charging and fast discharging". At the beginning, the charger pumps a DC current or a pulsed one to the energy storage, which could be a capacitor, an inductor, or the combination of both. Upon completion of charging, the stored energy is released to the load after turning on the switch. The time for discharging could easily be three orders of magnitude shorter than charging. Reducing the discharging time results in a gain of current or voltage, so the pulse's instantaneous power is amplified compared to the average charging power, albeit the total energy remains approximately the same. Current research and development by investigators at the Center for Bioelectrics focus on high voltage, high peak power, tunable, multiphasic, and flexible waveform generators. 皮秒脉冲发生器可以提供10兆赫兹或更高的脉冲,也被研究用于使用这些脉冲作为有效的无线刺激.

Primary Faculty in this Area

Chunqi Jiang, Ph.D., Professor

Ruben M. L. Colunga Biancatelli, M.D., Research Assistant Professor

Siqi Guo, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor

Andrei Pakhomov, Ph.D., Research Professor

P. Thomas Vernier, Ph.D., Research Professor

Shu Xiao, Ph.D., Professor


Molecular Modeling of Biological Systems

To understand bio... electrics... we must understand how bio-matter interacts with electric fields. That means, at a fundamental level, how atoms and molecules in biomolecular assemblies — lipid membrane domains, ion channels, nucleosomes, ribosomes,... — interact with electric fields. Because real-time, atomic-resolution observations of living systems are not yet feasible, we use simulations — computer models based on physics and chemistry — to help us form hypotheses, design experiments, and interpret the data we generate in the laboratory.

Molecular dynamics is a versatile, widely used class of modeling tool that enables atomic detail without the computational cost of quantum mechanics. Of course, there is a price to pay in accuracy, and we constantly calibrate our models against real-world controls. 我们用分子动力学的方法在水中构建磷脂双层膜系统,并对其施加不同持续时间的电场, amplitudes, and polarities, and in this way we have learned much about the nanoscale physics of electropermeabilization. Building on simple systems consisting of a single phospholipid and water, we are investigating now the effects of including in these systems ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl⁻), cholesterol, and more complex mixtures of phospholipids and other components of biological membranes, including transmembrane peptides.

Primary Faculty in this Area

P. Thomas Vernier, Ph.D., Research Professor

Picture4.png Plasma Pencil

Cancer Biology & Treatment

在生物电子学中心,我们正在将非常高的电场——每米百万伏特——应用于生物医学目标,时间非常短——纳秒. These electric fields are stronger and shorter than had ever been used in the biology lab or the clinic... or in nature. Since cells and organisms have never in the history of life on earth seen this kind of electrical excitation, they have evolved no specific defense, regulatory, or signaling mechanisms that might be induced by this new kind of stimulation.

After initial nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) experiments demonstrated success at decontaminating bacteria, researchers at the Center turned their attention to cancer. At that time, apoptosis was a central topic in cell and cancer biology research. Apoptosis is a programmed cell death, in contrast with unprogrammed necrosis, now called accidental death. The first studies to show that nanosecond pulses induce apoptosis, reduce mouse tumor size, and kill human tumor cells were in 2002 and 2003. Since then, ODU的研究表明,纳秒脉冲可以杀死多种类型的肿瘤,而且可以在治疗的动物中引起免疫反应. Ablation with nsPEF of melanoma, breast, liver, 结直肠癌会引发一种抗肿瘤免疫反应,既有助于肿瘤的根除,又能防止新肿瘤的形成. 该中心的研究人员目前正在描述这种免疫反应,并探索联合治疗的疗效.

Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) produces reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, ions, and transient electric field, each exhibiting anticancer activity and together amplifying their individual activities to devastate malignant cells. 其作为一种抗癌疗法的可行性是由最近的临床试验CAP治疗头颈癌患者说明. At the Center for Bioelectrics, we focus on inhibitory effects of CAP on cancer metabolism, proliferative signaling, and inflammation and how they may be exploited to address therapy resistance. For example, 我们最近发现,在一个意想不到的低剂量方案下,CAP可以同时抑制癌症生存的多条供应线.g. metabolism, proliferative signaling, angiogenesis), often known as cancer hallmarks, in therapy-resistant malignant cells, with negligible impact on their healthy counterparts, leading to high-rate apoptotic death of malignant cells in vitro and in clinically relevant in vivo models. 研究人员正在探索诸如此类的发现,以开发新的策略,改善目前减轻肿瘤发生风险的选择, overcoming drug resistance, and enhancing prognosis of patients who receive current anticancer therapies.

Primary Faculty in this Area

Stephen Beebe, Ph.D., Research Professor

Hai-Lan Chen, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor

Siqi Guo, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor

Yu Jing, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor

Michael G. Kong, Ph.D., Professor

Claudia Muratori, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Andrei Pakhomov, Ph.D., Research Professor

Olga N. Pakhomova, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor

Michael Stacey, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor


Cold Plasma Bioengineering

Cold plasma produces diverse biologically active agents, including reactive species, ions, photons, and will affect transient electric fields that are also produced endogenously by eukaryotic cells. This similarity has fueled extensive exploitation of its benefits to human health, 导致冷等离子体为基础的程序在凝血和消融的临床应用,并在临床试验中治疗伤口, head and neck cancers, and autoimmune skin disorders. Here at the Center for Bioelectrics, 研究人员设计冷等离子体化学来复制和利用内源性反应物质和离子的有益生物效应,以获得新的解决方案,可以改善癌症患者的预后.g. pancreatic, leukemia, breast, skin cancers), infection, and injured organs. Through multidisciplinary collaboration, we focus on (1) dose-controlled delivery of cold plasma and plasma-activated solution; (2) their effects on the mammalian host's immune response and energy requirement; (3) their molecular and cellular targets in pathological or regenerative tissues; (4) their benefits as a monotherapy for cancer, infection and injury or as a drug-delivery method for gene immunotherapy; and (5) their synergy with other bioengineering platforms such as pulsed electric field. Furthermore, investigators at the Center are interested in cold plasma-based infection control in agriculture and environment settings.

Primary Faculty in this Area

Hai-Lan Chen, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor

Ruben M. L. Colunga Biancatelli, M.D., Research Assistant Professor

Chunqi Jiang, Ph.D., Professor

Michael G. Kong, Ph.D., Professor

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Microbial Disinfection

已知微生物易受冷等离子体和脉冲电场(PEF)诱导的氧化应激和膜穿孔的影响。, respectively. 在生物电学中心,冷等离子体和PEF正在发展成为两种互补的生物工程技术, they are being advanced toward patient benefits. Against antibiotic resistance, 该中心的研究人员已经开发出一种血浆活化溶液(PAS),在不伤害哺乳动物细胞的情况下,将耐药细菌和真菌的数量减少7-log10. This is significant given that these pathogens are resistant to all current antibiotics. Further, PAS被设计用于去除胃肠道内窥镜通道和中心静脉导管内形成的细菌生物膜. Recognizing the current lack of effective eradication of in vivo microbial biofilm, implicated in diabetic foot ulcers and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 该中心的研究人员开发了一种基于pas的伤口敷料疗法,并证明了其在破坏MRSA伤口生物膜方面的有效性和安全性, the culprit responsible for life-threatening bacteremia. Further, these discoveries are being expanded to meet the challenge of disinfection beyond medicine, for example PEF-reduced biofouling control of liquid food (e.g., orange juice), PAS-enhanced animal food safety, and PAS-based control of COVID spread by inactivating SARS-CoV-2 binding with human cells.

Primary Faculty in this Area

Hai-Lan Chen, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor

Michael G. Kong, Ph.D., Professor

Claudia Muratori, Ph.D., Assistant Professor


Cold Plasma-Based Regenerative Medicine

Of diverse reactive species and ionic species produced by cold plasma, hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide are known to promote cell proliferation and angiogenesis, respectively. These contribute to the basis of multiple successful clinical studies of cold plasma for wound healing. Interestingly, cold plasma activates, in a dose-dependent fashion, major signaling pathways important in regenerative medicine, for example Nrf2 for abatement of excessive oxidative stress common in injured tissues, Wnt for migration of stem cells, and HIF-1 alpha for angiogenesis. These studies suggest that cold plasma may be applicable beyond skin wounds. As an example, 生物电学中心的研究人员发现,冷等离子体通过提高细胞抗氧化能力,引发神经保护,防止谷氨酸兴奋性毒性, a desirable function for treatment of stroke and spinal cord injury. 在白癜风的情况下,失调的T细胞攻击黑素细胞导致皮肤脱色,并且无法治愈, investigators innovated a gel prepared with cold plasma that disrupts T cell attack on melanocytes, arrests excessive oxidative stress, and promotes re-pigmentation of vitiligo lesion in animal models. This in vivo efficacy is successfully demonstrated in a controlled and randomized clinical trial. Current focus is to improve mechanistic insights and translational readiness.

Primary Faculty in this Area

Hai-Lan Chen, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor

Michael G. Kong, Ph.D., Professor

HSP90 pathwyas

HSP90 inhibitors modulate Acute and Chronic Lung Injury

Acute Lung Injury (ALI), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF) are major determinates of morbidity and mortality. FDA-approved therapeutic interventions are limited, and new drugs are thus needed. Heat Shock Proteins (HSP) are chaperones that assist a high number of client proteins during their folding, stabilization and/or degradation. HSP90, the most ubiquitous protein of the family, plays a major role during lung injury and inflammation. Indeed, HSP90 is a critical regulator of pulmonary endothelial permeability and modulates key proteins, including RhoA, ROCK1, cofilin and VE-cadherin, thus participating in the development of alveolar edema. Consequently, HSP90 inhibitors control at multiple levels both inflammation and lung injury. Among the >400 client proteins, HSP90 stabilizes Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β), its receptor and Raf, ERK and Smads signaling, that are directly involved in the development of chronic lung injury. HSP90 inhibitors reduce mortality in several animal models of ALI and prevent the development of Pulmonary Fibrosis. Further investigations are required to establish optimal dose strategy, potency, and therapeutic schemes of the various new HSP90 inhibitors.

Primary Faculty in this Area

John D. Catravas, Ph.D., Professor

Ruben M. L. Colunga Biancatelli, M.D, Research Assistant Professor

Pavel A. Solopov, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor

SBIR grant

PTP4A3 inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein subunit 1-mediated lung injury

严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒-2 (SARS-CoV-2)大流行已在全球感染3亿多人,造成500多万人死亡. The spike protein on the surface of the virus is capable of eliciting a strong inflammatory reaction, provoking vasculitis, thrombotic disease and white blood cells infiltration, major determinants of death in patients with COVID-19. In vivo and in vitro 研究表明,单次暴露于刺突蛋白亚基1 (S1SP)可引起急性肺损伤,损害内皮屏障功能,导致通透性增加. Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 4A3 removes phosphate groups from target proteins, thus regulating a large number of cellular processes. PTP4A3 is a critical regulator of endothelial function and a strong anti-inflammatory agent, as it inhibits STAT3 and NF-kB. We are investigating the first specific PTP4A3 inhibitor, KVX-053 (developed by KeViRX) as a candidate to block Spike protein-induced endothelial permeability, modulate the cytokine storm and prevent the development of acute lung injury

Primary Faculty in this Area

John D. Catravas, Ph.D., Professor

Ruben M. L. Colunga Biancatelli, M.D, Research Assistant Professor

Pavel A. Solopov, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor

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